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来源:   发布日期:2015-01-05




Advanced Modeling Techniques for the Simulation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Structural Health Monitoring


个人简介:申岩峰博士,现任美国密歇根大学航空航天系,Active Aeroelasticity and Structures Research Laboratory (A2SRL)实验室博士后研究员。2010 年至2014年,在南卡罗来纳大学Laboratory for Active Materials and Smart Structures (LAMSS) 实验室工作,并获得机械工程博士学位。多年从事结构健康监测,智能材料结构,超声导波主动传感,非线性超声,以及超声导波高级仿真技术等研究。发表学术论文20余篇,国际会议报告10余次。多次受到Smart Materials and Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Wave Motion, Sensors, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Construction and Building Materials等世界著名期刊邀请,承担审稿工作。


This report will first address the fundamental concepts of structural health monitoring (SHM), including guided waves, piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS), and active sensing methods. The main body of the report presents advanced modeling techniques for the simulation of ultrasonic guided waves in SHM. The simulation of both linear and nonlinear ultrasonics will be discussed. In the linear ultrasonics part, three useful techniques will be introduced: (1) non-reflective boundary condition for Lamb waves; (2) combined analytical/FEM approach (CAFA); (3) GPU parallelized implementation of local interaction simulation approach (LISA) using compute unified design architecture (CUDA). In the nonlinear ultrasonics part, two methods were used to model the contact acoustic nonlinearity (CAN): (1) element activation/deactivation approach; (2) contact analysis. This report finishes with conclusions and suggestions for future work.