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【百家大讲堂】第162期:Seru生产系统:下一代精益的发展趋势 Seru Production System: An Organizational Extension of JIT

来源:   发布日期:2019-01-11

  讲座题目:Seru生产系统:下一代精益的发展趋势Seru Production System: An Organizational Extension of JIT

  报 告 人:Kathryn E. Stecke 

  时  间:2019年1月17日(周四)14:00

  地  点中关村校区研究生楼104室




  Kathryn E. Stecke博士,柔性制造领域国际著名学者,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UTD)讲席教授,INFORMS会士,POMS会士,曾任INFORMS副主席,IJFMS和OMER等国际期刊创刊主编,多次担任INFORMS、POMS、DSI等国际会议大会主席。围绕柔性制造相关领域在MS、OR、JOM、POM、M&SOM、EJOR、IJPR、IIE Transactions等期刊发表众多论著,其中多篇论著被MS遴选为“近半个世纪最具影响力的学术论文”。


Dr. Kathryn E. Stecke teaches in the School of Management at University of Texas at Dallas as the Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management. Previously she taught for 21 years at The University of Michigan Business School. She received an M.S. in Applied Mathematics, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. She has authored numerous papers on various aspects of FMS planning and scheduling and a variety of other topics in numerous journals including The FMS Magazine, Material Flow, International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Annals of Operations Research, Performance Evaluation, International Transactions on Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Management Science, Operations Research and several proceedings and book contributions. She is a POMS Fellow and an INFORMS Fellow. She is/was the founding Editor-in-Chief of both the  and Operations Management Education Review.




A seru system is a new type of production system, widely used in Asia. Developed by Sony, it is used in all of Canon’s factories. It is more flexible, efficient, and productive than conventional manufacturing systems, for the industries in which it is appropriate. Seru’s history, development, and benefits will be described and discussed.