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来源:   发布日期:2019-01-21

  讲座题目:亚轨道可重复使用载具之动力特性以及对旅客之身、心与神经的影响 Trajectory Characteristics of Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicle (RSLV) and Their Effects on the Physiological and 

  报 告 人:张鉯崴(Yi-Wei Chang)

  时  间:2019年1月23日(周三)10:00

  地  点:研究生教学楼5楼研究生创新基地(电梯出口北侧)




  张鉯崴博士2000年和2002年分别获得澳大利亚墨尔本那桥大学学士和商业管理硕士学位,2008年获澳大利亚墨尔本维多利亚大学商业管理博士学位;现就职于中华科技大学(台湾),2018年当选为国际宇航科学院(International Academy of Astronautics(IAA))院士。张博士自2012年起任Acta Astronautica执行编辑,并于2017年9月起任Acta Astronautica共同编辑,将任2019年的国际宇航科学院第三届空间观光学术研讨会共同主席。张博士发表学术论文35篇,获颁6项专利。


Prof. Yi-Wei Chang obtained Bachelor Degree in Tourism and Hospitality in 2000 and Master Degree of Business Administration in 2002 from the La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. She then got the Doctor of Business Administration Degree in 2008 from the Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Chang is the Associate Professor candidate of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality, China University of Science and Technology located in Henshan Village of Hsinchu County, Taiwan. She was appointed as the Managing-Editor of Acta Astronautica (official Journal of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)) in 2012, was promoted to the Co-Editor of Acta Astronautica in September 2017, and has been elected as the IAA Member in 2018. Prof. Chang shall co-chair the 3rd International IAA Conference on Private Human Access to Space (PHAS) which shall be held in Xi’an, China on 27-29 May 2019. She has published 35 papers, 6 patents awarded.

