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来源:   发布日期:2019-10-12


To automate or not to automate, that is the question of ecommerce logistics

报 告 人:黄国全

时   间:2019年10月20日(周日)10:00-11:50

地   点:中关村校区研究生教学楼101报告厅




  黄国全教授,香港大学工业与制造系统工程系系主任、终身教授,长江学者讲座教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,英国皇家特许工程师,英国电气工程师学会IET Fellow,美国机械工程师学会ASME Fellow,香港工程师学会HKIE Fellow,国际交通与物流学会CILT Fellow,美国工业工程师学会IIE会员,曾获香港大学杰出青年研究奖。黄教授目前致力于智能制造与工业互联网方面的研究,较早实现了互联网上产品设计与制造的信息化,提出了供应链中新产品开发过程的网上配备模型,并建立了基于互联网的平台系统。在粤港两地的推动和支持下,黄教授致力于研发供应链和企业无线技术信息化制造物联网平台技术,为进一步开发无线实时制造技术提供基础资源。黄教授与合作者发表期刊论文400多篇,其中SCI收录200余篇,其论文被同行广泛引用,多篇成为相关领域全球“Top 1%”最广泛引用的文章,个人也成为相关领域全球“Top 1%”最广泛引用的学者。黄教授还担任多个工业工程和设计制造方面著名杂志的区域主编、副主编或编委;作为客座联席主编,为多种国际著名期刊主编出版了10多期专卷。


George Q. Huang is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. With substantial research grants from governments and industries, George has been conducting leading research in smart manufacturing and logistics physical internet. He and his co-workers have published over 400 technical papers and more than half appeared in international reputable SCI journals. Professor Huang serves as regional/ area/ senior editors, associate editors and editorial board members of a number of international journals. Professor Huang is Chartered Engineer, Fellow of ASME, HKIE, IET and CILT, and member of IISE. He currently serves as Regional Vice President for Asia of IISE.





Ecommerce has developed dramatically over the years. No matter it is online or offline or O2O, ecommerce logistics has become a bottle neck. The large quantity and variety demands high operational efficiency that is not easy to achieve with manual handling. However, the period of typical warehouse leases is in the range of 2 to 5 years. It is impossible for a logistics operator to invest in automation within less than 5 years of warehouse tenancy. This talk discusses a game theoretic business model for ecommerce warehouse automation game. We shall discuss if there is an equilibrium in the proposed new business model, what are the conditions for this new business model to succeed, and what factors that determine and affect the efficiency of the automation game.